Alan Dean Hight: A Legacy Rooted in Love and Community

On August 7, 1925, in the small town of Standardville, Utah, Wallace Dreyfus and Ethel Elliott Hight welcomed into the world a beacon of kindness, warmth, and genuine humanity. Alan Dean Hight grew to become a pillar in his community, embodying a nurturing spirit that touched every life he encountered.
In a nurturing home, young Alan cultivated a deep appreciation for community and the joy of meaningful connections. This foundation guided his career trajectory, leading him to fulfilling roles at esteemed companies such as BF Goodrich, Germaine Seed Company, and Harris Seed Company, where his love for people shone brightly.
At the core of Alan’s journey was his love story with Mona Margaret Thayne. A romance that blossomed from a chance meeting just days before Alan embarked on his service with the U.S. Coast Guard. Their bond stood the test of time, flowering into 74 years of shared life, and fostering a family that stretched across generations, encompassing 85 cherished members.
Alan, a family patriarch, epitomized grace and wisdom, showering his family with love and nurturing a legacy rich in cherished memories. His warmth and joy extended beyond family bounds, embracing the wider community and forging deep, heartfelt bonds through his genuine interest in others.
Alan was a gifted storyteller and poet, crafting vibrant narratives from his life experiences, transforming ordinary moments into extraordinary adventures. His tales became a rich tapestry woven with detailed threads of life’s moments, enchanting everyone who listened.
The love Alan had for gardening was a testament to his nurturing spirit, creating a garden bursting with colors, a testament to the diligence and joy poured into tending to it, reflecting the nurturing love he bestowed upon his family and friends.
Devoted to his service in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Alan built connections that went deeper than mere acquaintances, fostering bonds through heartfelt and thoughtful conversations, and an ever-present willingness to understand and share in the experiences of others.
As we commemorate Alan Dean Hight, we celebrate a life steeped in love, nurturing, and community. His existence serves as a shining example, a beacon urging us to nurture deep connections, and to foster love and understanding in our communities, embodying the joy and warmth that a life well-lived, rooted in love and nurturing bonds, can bring to others.